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(Writing of PERs)
Extent of application:
instructions will apply to all government servants serving in connection with
the affairs of the province of the Punjab, except of the following who
need not be reported upon:
i) Judges of the Punjab High Court;
ii) Members of the Punjab Public Service Commission.
2. When
should a Report be written: The
report shall relate to a calendar year. It shall be initiated in the first week
of January by the initiating authority and forwarded to the higher authority in
the same week. The higher authority shall give its remarks within one week. In
case it is necessary to send the report to a third authority, it will be sent
to the authority immediately. The final authority shall also record its views
within a week. Time schedule has been laid down so that the remarks are based
on the performance of government servants during the calendar year to which
they relate. Otherwise, consciously or sub-consciously subsequent events can
contribute towards the formation of opinion in respect of the past year. Thus
the reports should be completed within the month of January each year.
3. Responsibility
of the final authority to ensure prompt writing of confidential reports: Generally,
the writing of confidential reports gets delayed, which affects the disposal of
cases in which it is necessary to consult Character Rolls. This also leads to
frustration among the government servants. The final authority about the
writing of confidential report will be responsible for obtaining confidential
reports for the preceding calendar year within the month of January, each year.
It would then furnish a certificate to Services, General Administration and
Information Department that all the confidential reports which were due to be
completed have actually been completed and placed on the Character Rolls. This
certificate should reach Services, General Administration and Information
Department (Section R-IV) in the first week of February. The defaulting
authorities shall be brought to the notice of government for appropriate
disciplinary action.
4. Minimum
period for writing of reports: The
minimum period during which an officer is expected to form judicious opinion
about the work of his subordinate for the purpose of writing a report on his
work and conduct has been prescribed as three months. The report recorded
in respect of period less than the minimum prescribed period should be ignored.
[Note: (i) The
period spent on leave of any kind
(except casual leave) shall not be included and the said minimum period of 3
months will mean and include only the actual periods, spent on duty in which
the work, performance and conduct of the government servant reported upon has
been seen by the reporting officer]
[Note: (ii) PER for the period a govt. servant remains
under suspension will not be required to be recorded. Instead a certificate
indicating the reasons for not recording ACR will be placed in his CR Dossier.]
5. Action when a reporting officer or a subordinate is transferred:
If the reporting officer is transferred during the course of a calendar year he
should be required to write a report if his transfer occurs more than two
months from the date, the last report was due. Such reports must be written
before relinquishing charge. The report shall be sent to the higher authority
when all the reports for the year have been written. If a subordinate is
transferred during the course of a calendar year and he has worked for more
than two months under the reporting officer then the latter shall record his
opinion. In case he is being transferred from the jurisdiction of the higher
authority then the views of the higher authority shall be obtained and
forwarded to the department/office where a subordinate has been transferred.
6. Special Report: If a government servant is placed on Special
Report for any reason the special report recorded on him should be placed on
the Character Roll.
7. Reporting channel: the Services, General Administration and
Information Department has laid down a chart showing the details of authorities
for the initiation, counter-signature, communication and expunction of adverse
remarks in the confidential reports in respect of officers/officials of the
Punjab Secretariat Departments and sub-offices/institutions under the
administrative control of SGA&I Department, vide appendix I. The Administrative
Departments should use it as a model to lay down similar charts in respect of
all other services and posts and furnish copies of the same to the Services,
General Administration and Information Department.
8. It is, however, explained that while framing the chart, the
following principles should be kept in view:
i) The Report should be initiated by the immediate superior authority.
ii) It should be countersigned by the next higher authority.
iii) The final countersigning authority in the case of
officers holding posts in BS-16, shall be the
Head of the Attached Department or Regional Head concerned as the case may.
9. Reports of persons on deputation: The annual confidential
report will be written by the borrowing authority/department. These
organizations will decide about the initiating authority and the channel of
submission. But in the case of government servants deputed to work under a
private firm, no confidential report need be written on his work by the firm.
Note: [No reports on
officers on deputation to foreign organizations shall be obtained. Such reports
if received from foreign governments should not find place in the Character
Roll dossier of the officer concerned.]
9-A. The borrowing
government/department should communicate the adverse remarks to the civil
servant concerned and take further action thereon in department should,
however, keep the lending government/department informed of the adverse remarks
communicated to the civil servant concerned during the period of his deputation,
and of the decision of competent authority to expunge such remarks, by
furnishing a copy each of such communications/orders to the lending
10. Reporting by Commissioners on District/Divisional and Regional
level officers- The Commissioner shall record remarks in the annual
confidential reports of officers of all the departments holding divisional or
regional charges in his division except the judicial officers mentioned in
Appendix II. Such reports may be written in the form prescribed for the
purpose, vide Appendix III.
II The report by the Commissioner shall only
be written on the following points:
i) Integrity;
ii) Cooperation with other departments;
iii) Relations with the public;
iv) Interest shown in development and public welfare.
12. The Commissioner may also write reports on the same points even
in respect of district officers of all departments, other than the judiciary,
if he so desires. In that event he should send a copy of his remarks to the
Divisional/Regional officer and the Head of the Attached Department concerned.
These remarks shall be placed on the Character Roll of the officer reported
13. The Commissioner of the division in which the headquarters of
such an officer is situated shall initiate the report and send it to the Head
of Attached Department through the other Commissioner to whose division the
charge of the officer extends. But in the departments where there is no Head of
Attached Department it should be sent to government. These remarks will be
placed on the Character Roll.
14. Note by the D.C. on
officers belonging to other departments- The D.C. may if he considers
advisable send a note independently about the exceptionally good or bad work an
officer of district level other than the judiciary to the Head of
Administrative Department who will take appropriate action.]
15. Reports by Deputy Commissioner on Revenue and APUG Officers
doing magisterial work: The Deputy Commissioner will give his remarks in
the case of Revenue Officers, exercising magisterial powers of the First Class
in his capacity as a District Magistrate as well as Deputy Commissioner and
forward the same to the District and Sessions Judge for his remarks on
magisterial work. The latter will transmit it to the Commissioner, after adding
his own remarks.
16. So far as APUG Officers functioning as Trying Magistrates in
districts are concerned, the Deputy Commissioners will obtain the views of the
District and Sessions Judges on their judicial work and incorporate the same
under column “Pen Picture” in part III of the form (Appendix IV). The opinion
will be quoted as the opinion of District and Sessions Judge and will mention
the name of the reporting officer; the Deputy Commissioner will further say
whether he agrees with District and Sessions Judge or not.
17. Character Rolls: A face-sheet should be inserted at the
beginning of each Character Roll giving the following information:-
i) Name
and qualification;
ii) Father’s name:
iii) Date of birth;
iv) Place of domicile;
v) Place
where immovable property, if any, is held.
18. Forms for the writing of reports have been prescribed in
Appendices IV to VI. The reports should be written on one of these forms
according to the nature of the post held by the government servant reported
19. Instructions for reporting officers: Annual Confidential Report
is an assessment of the conduct and the quality of the work that a government
servant has performed during the calendar year. On this assessment depend
important decisions such as promotion or suitability for different
appointments. It is imperative that the report should be written impartially.
It should be forthright and unambiguous. Particularly the work of the reporting
officer should also be assessed by the higher authority on the quality of his
20. The report if written in hand, should be legible; the name and
designation of the reporting officer should be clearly written in block letters
or typed under the signatures. The date on which the report is signed should
also be given.
21. Reporting by Relations: Whenever a reporting officer is
related to the officer reported upon, this fact should invariably be mentioned
in the confidential report and he should submit the case to the higher officer
for writing of report without recording his remarks.
23. Report on Integrity: Integrity is the most important trait of
character of a government servant. It should be assessed without fear or
favour. The report should not be vague, but definite An officer may be
reasonably believed to be corrupt, if--
He has a general and persistent reputation of being corrupt; or
ii) any of his dependents or any other person
through him or on his behalf is in possession of pecuniary resources or
property disproportionate to his own sources of income or which he cannot
account for satisfactorily; or
Explanation: The dependents
will include wife/wives, children, step-children, parents, sisters and minor
brothers, residing with and wholly dependent on the reported officer.
iii) he has assumed a style of living beyond his means.
24. If any official dabbles in politics, it should be specially
brought out in the general remarks.
25. Action where more than one reporting officer is eligible to
record report: In case where a government servant has served under more
than one reporting officer, during the year, a separate report shall be
recorded by each officer provided the condition about minimum period prescribed
for writing a report is fulfilled.
25-A. More than one
countersigning officer: Where there are more than one countersigning
officers during a year, the one who has seen the performance of his subordinate
for the major part of the year is entitled to countersign their confidential
26. Action in case of inquiry, warning or communication of displeasure:
A formal displeasure conveyed to a government servant must appear in his
Character Roll. The result of representation, if filed, should also be
reflected in the report.
27. Every order of punishment imposed on a government servant as a
result of formal inquiry under the Efficiency & Discipline Rules, 1975
should be placed on his C.R. dossier, provided that such an order shall be
placed on the C.R. dossier of the accused after he has exhausted all remedies available
for appeal or review before the competent authority or the Punjab Service
Tribunal, as the case may be, or in case of his failure to do so after the time
limit prescribed for making an appeal or review petition has expired.]
28. A warning administered to a government servant should
ordinarily not find its way into the Character Roll, as it is not a penalty in
accordance with the Efficiency and Discipline Rules, 1975 and as such is not
appealable. Where it is decided in any particular case to place it on the
Character Roll of an officer, he should be informed accordingly. In case of
representation, if any, made by the officer, the order passed by the competent
authority on such representation, should also be placed on the Character Roll.
29. It is decided by the
competent authority to withdraw statutory powers conferred on a government
servant, for reasons of misuse of such powers by him, the order of withdrawal
of such powers should be placed on his Character Roll. Representation filed by
the officer, if any, and the result thereof should also be placed in the C.R.
30 Manner of writing the reports: The opinion expressed should be
the result of careful consideration; no personal bias, ire or favouritism
should colour the report. The reporting officer should be in a position to
justify his views, if called upon, to do so.
31. Confidential reports which are not in accordance with the above
instructions should be returned by the higher authority to the reporting
officer for revision in compliance with these instructions.
32. Communication of adverse remarks: The Heads of Attached
Departments, Secretaries to Government and other authorities dealing finally
with the reports should see that the government servants reported upon are made
aware of any defects pointed out in the confidential reports/evaluation reports
recorded by Heads of Training Institutes.
33. It is emphasized that the annual Confidential Reports contain
the assessment of the superior officers about a civil servant’s character. If
the confidential report of a civil servant contains any adverse remarks,
whether remediable or not, a copy of the whole report should be furnished to
him at the earliest opportunity, with a D.O. letter, a copy of which should be
signed and returned by the civil servant concerned in acknowledgement of the
report. It is essential that the civil servants should be given a fair deal by
communicating to them the whole report containing adverse remarks, so that they
may endeavor to remove the defects and improve their performance or be in a
position to represent where necessary.
34. The timely communication of the report containing adverse
remarks is of paramount importance. The authorities designated to communicate
the adverse remarks should, therefore, ensure that the whole report containing
adverse remarks is communicated to the civil servant concerned at the earliest
opportunity and in any case within one month from the date the report is
countersigned and completed. A serious view should be taken of any failure on
the part of the officer/official concerned to furnish a copy of the report
containing adverse remarks to the civil servant reported upon, within the stipulated
period and disciplinary action taken against the person(s) responsible
therefore. In any case the report containing adverse entries should be
furnished to the civil servant at any time it comes to the notice.
35. When a report consists of opinions of different departmental
superiors in gradation, it is only the opinion as accepted by the highest
reporting officer which need be considered from the point of view of
36. If the highest officer does not comment on any remark of a
lower authority, it will be presumed that he has accepted it.
37. If the report containing the adverse remarks is not
communicated, or if communicated there is no record of its having been
communicated and acknowledged by the civil servant concerned, the adverse
remarks contained therein should be ignored for purposes of promotion and
premature retirement. But in the C.R. Dossier of the person responsible for
failure or delay in communication of such a report, adverse entry should be
recorded, which would be in addition to the disciplinary action required to be
taken under para 34 and which has to take its course.
*38 (i) The reporting
officer should specifically state whether the defects reported have already
been brought in an other connection to the notice of the civil servant
concerned. The effort of communication of adverse remarks should be carefully
watched and the reporting officer should, when drawing up a report in the next
year, state whether the officer/official reported upon has or has not taken
steps to remedy the defects to which his attention was drawn in the previous
year. Such remarks should also be communicated to the civil servant concerned
so that he may know that his efforts to improve have not passed unnoticed.
*38(ii) Where criticism is
proposed to be withheld, the final authority to consider the report should
record instructions, with reasons, according to the nature of the defects
discussed as to the period for which communication is to be kept back. In such
cases (where judgment is suspended) the remarks should not be communicated
during the specified period.
39. If a person’s integrity is adjudged as “average”, it shall not
be construed to be an adverse remarks and shall not be communicated.
40. Action in case of exceptionally good work: The facts that an
officer has done exceptionally good work in a particular year, shall be
communicated by June each year in suitable cases. Care should be taken to see
that such communications are not made for the performance of normal duties
satisfactorily, but are made only when an officer has done work above the
ordinary call of duty or has performed his ordinary duties in a particularly
commendable manner. The precise nature of the work or of the manner in which it
was carried out should be cited in the letter of appreciation as well as in the
confidential report of the officer.
41. Action in case of recording adverse remarks by same reporting
officer for two successive years: In order to guard against personal likes
and dislikes an official receiving adverse remarks for two successive years
from the same reporting officer should be placed under another reporting
42. Expunction of adverse
remarks: a person who is communicated adverse remarks can apply for the
expunction of such remarks. But this should be done not later than one month
from the date of receipt of the communication. The representation must be made
in temperate and dignified language and no allegations of personal and
malicious nature should be made. Indiscreet and irresponsible allegations
against reporting offices will result in disciplinary action.
42-A. An officer/official
adversely reported upon will have only one right of making a representation and
absolute finality would attach to the decision taken thereon, whether in favour
of the officer or against. The decision on representation for expunction of
adverse remarks should be taken within 90 days of the making of representation.
The orders of the expunging authority will not be subject to review by the
successor authorities.
43. All representations about expunction fo adverse remarks will be
made to the authority designated as expunging authority under these instructions;
Provided that in cases where no
expunging authority has been designated the representation shall be made to the
authority next above the officer recording/countersigning the remarks last of
Provided further that where
Governor is the initiating authority or the last countersigning authority a
review petition shall be made to the Governor himself.
44. If the final authority dealing with a report considers it to be
biased or unjustified or inconsistent with the facts and decides that the
entries should be expunged, then the adverse entries should be scored out in
such manner as to render these illegible. The letter of communication of
adverse remarks and the order of expunction should not be placed on the
Character Roll but should be retained on a “keep with” file to be separately
maintained along with every Character Roll.
Note: the departmental
authorities shall exercise the power (of expunction of adverse remarks) only in
respect of adverse remarks by the respective departmental officers. In respect
of adverse remarks recorded by Divisional Commissioners or Deputy Commissioners
i) Integrity;
ii) Co-operation with other departments;
iii) Relations wit the public; and
iv) Interest shown in development & public welfare. On the ACR of
a divisional or district level officer, as the case may be the “final
authority” competent to expunge shall be the Chief Secretary/Additional Chief
Secretary (in SGA& ID).
44-A. The competent Authority while expunging
the adverse remarks, should give his own assessment about the work and conduct
of the representationist in the light of his own information and overall record
previous and subsequent to the entries being expunged.
45. Under no circumstances should any entry in a confidential
report be mutilated or papers physically removed from the file of confidential
46. Safe custody: Except to the extent of communicating
the remarks in accordance with the above instructions, the contents of the
reports should not be divulged to the government servant concerned. In no case
should an officer have access to his own reports. In order to guard against the
confidential reports being tempered with, the reports when filed in the
Character Rolls will be page-numbered in ink and entered in the index on first
page after the face sheet prescribed in paragraph 17, in the form prescribed in
Appendix VIII
47. The borrowing authorities should under no circumstances change the
order in which the various confidential reports have been filed and indexed on
the first page or carry out any other alteration in the Character Roll.
However, such documents should be returned immediately to the lending
48. The same principle applies to borrowing authorities to which
government officers are sent on deputation.
49. Maintenance of Character Rolls: The Character Rolls shall be
maintained in duplicate except where specified otherwise. The Administrative
Department/Head of the Attached Department or the Head of the Office concerned
shall take a decision about each class or category of posts where the original
and the duplicate copy shall be maintained. The original shall be maintained at
a level where it is not required to be moved, whereas, the duplicate copy may
move, to the appropriate authority, with each transfer of a government servant.
51. General instructions: The letters of appreciation issued by a
committee or a commission appointed by government to government officers
serving with them and also attested copies of such remarks or paragraphs concerning
them as have been embodied in the reports of the committee/commission may be
placed in the Character Rolls of the officers concerned.
52. In case an officer has received Honour/Award, suitable entry should
be made in the Character Roll and copy of citation placed in it.
53. The order rewarding officers/officials in connection with their
suggestions found useful and worth adopting may be placed in the personal file
and not the Character Roll of the government servant concerned. The reporting
officer should keep the fact in view and mention the same while recording
annual confidential report. It is the duty of the branch/section concerned to
bring to the notice of reporting officer, for the calendar year, that the
person on whose work and conduct a report is to be written, has been rewarded
by government for a suggestion found useful and worth adopting.
54. No chits or certificates should be granted to the subordinates by
any officer and the assessment of the work of government servant should be
confined to the Annual Confidential Report. Such chits/certificates, if still
issued will be ignored by government for any purpose.
55. Letters of commendation which may be issued to the officers in
recognition of their meritorious work or commendable efficiency, should be
placed on the C.R. Dossier of the officers concerned, and a copy should be
endorsed to the officer concerned.
56. The letters of appreciation earned by government servants from
Army Authorities, due to their outstanding devotion and zeal, in national
cause, should be placed in their Character Rolls.
57. The photographs to be pasted on the folders attached to the
revised forms for confidential reports on officers in pay scale 16 and above
should be furnished by the concerned officers, at their expense.
58. The reporting officers may, if he likes, maintain a Katcha Register
for keeping rough notes relating to the work of the subordinates including
cases of outstanding good or poor work. This will avoid writing of reports
based on vague impression and will make the reports more realistic in character
and it will be easier to assess the performance of the subordinates from such
memoranda and thus present a true picture in the report. The pro forma of this
register is at Appendix VIII. This register will not be a permanent record, but
will be destroyed as soon as it has outlived its utility.
59. The reports of officers detailed for training at various
institutions e.g., Administrative Staff college, N.I.P.A., Pakistan Academy for
Rural Development etc., will be placed on the Character Rolls of the officers.
Similarly the assessment reports on the officers attending training courses
abroad shall also form part of their Character Rolls.
60. A note may be recorded in respect of the periods for which reports
do not exist in the Character Rolls due to long leave or other causes which
should be stated in proper sequence of the filling of the reports.
61. Preservation of Character Rolls: The Character Rolls of retired
government servants should be maintained for ten years after retirement or up
to the age of sixty five years whichever is later. In the case of persons relieved from
government service otherwise than by retirement, the Character Rolls shall be
retained at least for ten years, after the date of release from government service.
On the expiry of the prescribed period the Character Roll will be destroyed by
62. Supply of copies or extracts from Character Rolls is
prohibited. It is, however, permissible for the Head of the Attached
Department, or government whichever may be the final authority having custody
of the record to give to the officers who have retired, a letter in which their
confidential record is summed up to give an overall picture of their work and
conduct during service.
63. The nomination form completed by a government servant duly
attested by the head of the office or the supervisory authority:-
i) in
respect of his G.P. Fund account;
ii) under the Punjab Employees Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1969, and
iii) under the Punjab Govt. Servants Benevolent Fund Ordinance, 1960
and the rules issued thereunder, will, apart from being sent to the authorities
concerned, or in respect of officials of and below BS-15 being placed in their
Service Books, be filed in their C.R. Dossiers.
64. If a Government servant makes a nomination, conferred on a
person, the right to receive any gratuity that may be sanctioned under Rule
4.6. Of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, 1963 or any gratuity which
having become admissible to him/her has not been paid to him/her before death,
the nomination will be filed in his/her C.R.
64-A. If an Officer or
Official fails to complete successfully any prescribed test or examination or
training during the period of probation each such failure shall be recorded in
his C.R.
65. Writing/countersigning of ACRs by retired officers: The
officers proceeding on retirement, whether voluntarily or on attaining the age
of superannuation, should be asked to write/countersign reports, on the
officers and staff who have worked under them for more than three months,
before their retirement. If an officer proceeds on retirement without
writing/countersigning the reports and cannot be contacted or fails to oblige
despite repeated requests, the following procedure should be adopted:-
1) The
officer who would have countersigned, had the report been initiated by the retired
officer, should initiate the report provided he has seen work of the officer
reported upon, for a minimum period of 3 months. The next higher officer, if
any, should countersign it;
2) If
the report has already been initiated but the countersigning officer has
retired, the next higher officer, if any, should countersign, provided he has
personal knowledge of the work of the officer concerned;
3) If
both the initiating and the countersigning officers have retired, the officer
next higher than both of them, if any, should initiate and the next higher
officer, if any, should countersign it. In such cases both the initiating and
countersigning officers must have personal knowledge of the officer reported
4) In
case the report cannot be initiated at all, a suitable note to this effect be
recorded in the C.R. dossier. If the report has been initiated but cannot be
countersigned, the reasons, therefore, be recorded in part-IV of the Annual
Confidential Report.
5) In
case the post of report Initiating Officer remained vacant for 9 months or
more, the following procedure may be adopted for completing the ACRs of the
subordinate staff:
i) In case the Countersigning Officer has seen their work for at
least 3 months, he may initiate the ACRs and the next higher authority may
countersign the ACRs.
ii) In case the condition at (i) above is not fulfilled, a suitable
note may be placed in the CR Dossier of a civil servant explaining as to why
the ACR could not be written.
66. Bar to writing/countersigning of reports by officers compulsorily
retired under the E&D rules or on completion of 10 years of service, etc.--the
officer retired compulsorily under the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) rules,
1975 or under Section 12(i) of the Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974 should not be allowed to write/countersign
the ACRs of their subordinates. The same will be the position during the LPR of
these officers, if allowed to them. In such cases the following procedure
should be followed for writing/countersigning the ACRs of the concerned civil
i) The
authority next higher to the retired reporting officer may initiate the report
provided he has seen the performance of the civil servant reported upon for a
minimum period of 3 months.
ii) The report so initiated will be countersigned by the officer
higher than the reporting officer, if available, provided that the former has
personal knowledge about the performance of the civil servant concerned. In
case there be no officer available to countersign, the report need not be
countersigned instead the circumstances under which the report could not be
countersigned will be mentioned in the report indicating the name of the
officer who was supposed to countersign, had he not been retired under the
E&D Rules, etc.
iii) In case both the reporting and countersigning officers have been
compulsorily retired, the officer higher than both of them, if available, may
initiate the report and the next higher officer, if any, will countersign it,
provided both the reporting/countersigning officers have personal knowledge
about the work of the civil servant concerned. In case no countersigning
officer be available, the fact should be noted in the report.
iv) Where no officer is available to write or
countersign the report, a suitable note may be recorded in the C.R. dossier of
the civil servant concerned.
Benevolent Fund
The Punjab
Government Servants Benevolent Fund
• Constituted through the Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund
Ordinance 1960
• For relief of Government servants and their families
Utilization of Benevolent Fund
— Financial assistance to the families of deceased GS
— Financial assistance to GS invalided out of service
— Special grants to GS in exceptional cases
Relevant Rules
— The P G Servants Benevolent Fund Rules, 1960
— The P G Servants Benevolent Fund,
Part- I (Disbursement) Rules, 1965
— The P G Servants Benevolent Fund
Part- II (Disbursement) Rules, 1966
Parts of Benevolent Fund
— Part – I For Gazetted
Government Servants
— Part – II For Non-Gazetted Government Servants
Management of Benevolent Fund
— Provincial Board of Management -
Part 1
— Provincial Board of Management -
Part 2
— District Board of Management for each District
— Secretariat Board of Management
Provincial Board of Management (Gazetted)
Chief Secretary (Chairman)
Chief Secretary (Vice
(Consolidation) BOR
I & P
of Private Secretaries Association
of Superintendents Association
(Fund), S & GAD (Secretary)
Provincial Board of Management
(Non - Gazetted)
Chief Secretary (Chairman)
Chief Secretary (Vice Chairman)
(Consolidation) BOR
C & W
(Fund), S & GAD (Secretary)
District Board of Management
District Coordination Officer of the District (Chairman)
Executive District Officer Works
Executive District Officer Education
District Officer (Coordination) (Secretary)
(two members shall be appointed by the Chairman in each
Board from amongst the non–Gazetted Government Servants serving in the
Secretariat Board of Management
Secretary (Services) – Secy. Funds (S & GAD) (Chairman)
Administrative Officer (BF) (Secretary)
President, Clerks Association, Civil Secretariat
Class IV employees association Civil Secretariat
Sources of Fund
— Compulsory contributions by Government servants ( 3% of basic pay)
— Income from investments
— Income from the rent of Alfalah Building
— Income on investment made in LDA Plaza
Rate of Contribution
— 3 % of the running basic Pay from monthly salary
Grants out of Benevolent Fund
• Monthly Grant
• Marriage Grant
• Funeral Grant
• Scholarship for education of children
• Farewell Grant at retirement (for officers)
Monthly Grants
• On death of a Government Servant
• On death of a retired Government Servant
• To Government Servant invalidated out of service on medical ground
• To Government Servant invalidated out of service on medical ground

Stoppage of Monthly Grant
— Monthly Grant is sanctioned subject to the condition that
widow/widower does not re-marry
— Furnish no marriage and
life certificate every six months
— If these certificates are not furnished or a widow or widower re-marries
grant is stopped
Marriage Grant
On marriage of each daughter during service or within 15 years
of retirement.
— To the family of a retired GS in case his/her death occurs within 15 years of retirement.
— To the family of a GS who dies while in service with no time limit
— To the family of a retired GS in case his/her death occurs within 15 years of retirement.
— To the family of a GS who dies while in service with no time limit
Funeral Grant
On death of GS Or dependent
family member Rate
For Non-Gazetted GS Rs.4000/-
— For Gazetted GS Rs.10,000/-
17th October 2006
Entitlement of Funeral Grant
To GS on the death of
dependent family member
To the family on death of GS
To the family on
death of a retired Non-Gazetted G S
Education Scholarship
For education of children of working , retired & deceased GS
Upto PhD classes
Limitations of Scholarship Grant
Must pass matric or post matric examination with 60% marks
Studying in next class in a recognized educational
Application is verified by head of department and head
of College etc.
Application is submitted within due date announced by PBF
Farewell Grant
For Gazetted Government Servants
On the eve of retirement
To family of a GS who dies during service
Rate equal to last basic pay
Time Line of Application
(Marriage-Funeral-Farewell Grant)
Application be submitted within 275 days of Nikah, death or
retirement to the parent office of GS
Office shall submit it to concerned B F Board within one
year from the date of Nikah, death or retirement.
Applications received after the prescribed period are not
(Group Insurance Scheme)
through the Punjab Government Employee’s Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1969
Group Insurance
— Provincial Employees
— In−service Death
— Death up to 5 years after Superannuation
• Through Salaries
• 25% Premium for employees in BS. 1−4 is paid by Government
• through Pakistan State
Life Insurance Corporation
Financial Assistance on In−service Death
Why BF Grants Cases are Dealt
— In offices BF Grant forms are often not available
— Applications are kept pending by officials-----Require attention
by senior officers
— Incomplete applications are sent to BF office
— Document required by BF Office often sent late
— Proper & timely guidance be provided to family of deceased
Govt. Servant
PAP-Legis-2(32)/2005/871. The Punjab
Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Bill 2005, having been
passed by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab on 2 October 2006, and assented
to by the Governor of the Punjab on 13 October 2006, is hereby published as an
Act of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.
published, after having received the assent of the Governor of the Punjab ,
the Gezette of the Punjab (Extraordinary)
dated 17 October 2006 .]
An Act
provide for proceedings against the employees in government and corporation service
in relation to their efficiency, discipline and accountability.
Preamble.- Whereas it is expedient and
necessary in the public interest and for good governance to provide measures
for improvement of efficiency, discipline and accountability of employees in
government and corporation service and matters connected therewith or ancillary
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Short title,
extent, commencement and application.- (1) This Act may be called the Punjab
Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act, 2006.
(2) It extends to the
whole of the Punjab .
(3) It shall come into force at once.
It shall apply to-
employees in government
employees in corporation
service; and
retired employees of
government and corporation service; provided that proceedings under this Act are
initiated against them during their service or within one year after their
2. Definitions.- In this Act, unless there is anything
repugnant in the subject or context-
(a) ‘accused’ means a person who is or has
been an employee and against whom action is initiated under this Act;
(b) ‘appellate authority’ means the
authority next above the competent authority to which an appeal lies against
the orders of the competent authority;
(c) ‘appointing authority’ in relation to
an employee or class of employees means an appointing authority declared or
notified as such by an order of the Government or organization or under the
rules, etc., as may be applicable to such employee or class of employees;
(d) ‘charge’ means allegations framed
against the accused pertaining to acts of omission and commission cognizable
under this Act;
(e) ‘Chief Minister’ means the Chief
Minister of the Punjab ;
(f) ‘competent
authority’ means-
(i) the
Chief Minister; or
in relation to any employee or
class of employees, any officer or authority authorized by the Chief Minister
to exercise the powers of competent authority under this Act; provided that
such officer or authority shall not be inferior in rank to the appointing
authority prescribed for the post held by the employee against whom action is
to be taken; or
(iii) in relation to an employee of a tribunal
or court, functioning under the Government, the appointing authority or the chairman
or presiding officer of such tribunal or court, as the case may be, authorized
by the appointing authority to exercise the powers of competent authority under
this Act:
that where two or more employees are to be proceeded against jointly, the
competent authority in relation to senior most employee in rank shall be the
competent authority in respect of all the accused:
further that where the competent authority, other than the Chief Minister, has
any interest in the result of proceedings under this Act, and does not desire
to act as competent authority due to personal reasons, he shall not proceed
with the case and shall report the matter to the next higher authority who
shall authorize another officer of the corresponding rank and status to act as
the competent authority in a specific case;
(g) ‘corruption’ means-
(i) accepting or obtaining or offering
any gratification or valuable thing, directly or indirectly, other than legal
remuneration, as a reward for doing or for bearing to do any official act: or
(ii) dishonestly or fraudulently
misappropriating, or indulging in embezzlement or misusing Government property
or resources; or
(iii) possession of pecuniary sources or
property by an employee or any of his dependents or any other person, through
him or on his behalf, which cannot be accounted for and which are
disproportionate to his known sources of income; or
(iv) maintaining standard of living beyond
known sources of income; or
(v) having a reputation of being corrupt;
(vi) entering into plea bargain under any
law for the time being in force and return the assets or gains acquired through
corruption or corrupt practices, voluntarily;
(h) ‘employee’ means a person-
(i) in the employment of a corporation,
corporate body, autonomous body, authority, statutory body or any other
organization or institution set up, established, owned, managed or controlled
by the Government, by or under any law for the time being in force or a body or
organization in which the Government has a controlling share or interest and
includes the chairman and the chief executive and the holder of any other
office therein; and
(ii) in government service or who is a
member of a civil service of the province or who holds a civil post in
connection with the affairs of the province or any employee serving in any court
or tribunal set up or established by the Government, but does not include a
Judge of the High Court or any court subordinate to the High Court, or any
employee of such courts;
(i) ‘Government’ means the Government of the Punjab ;
(j) ‘hearing officer’ means an officer,
senior in rank to the accused, appointed by any authority competent to appoint
hearing officer, to afford an opportunity of personal hearing to the accused on
behalf of the authority concerned;
(k) ‘inefficiency’ means failure to-
(i) efficiently
perform functions assigned to an employee in the discharge of his duties; or
(ii) qualify departmental examination in three
consecutive attempts;
(l) ‘inquiry committee’ means a
committee of two or more officers, headed by a convener, as may be appointed by
the competent authority under this Act;
(m) ‘inquiry officer’ means an officer
appointed by the competent authority under this Act;
(n) ‘misconduct’ includes—
(i) conduct prejudicial to good order or
service discipline; or
(ii) conduct contrary to the conduct rules,
for the time being in force; or
(iii) conduct unbecoming of an officer and a
gentleman; or
(iv) involvement or participation for gain
directly or indirectly, in industry, trade or speculative transactions by abuse
or misuse of official position to gain undue advantage or assumption of such
financial or other obligations in relation to private institutions or persons,
as may compromise the performance of official duties or functions; or
(v) any act to bring or attempt to bring
outside influence directly or indirectly to bear on the Governor, the Chief
Minister, a Minister, or any other authority in respect of any matter relating
to the appointment, promotion, transfer, punishment, retirement or other
conditions of service; or
(vi) making appointment or promotion or
having been appointed or promoted on extraneous grounds in violation of any law
or rules; or
(vii) absence from duty without prior approval
of leave; or
(viii) acquittal by a court of law as a result
of compounding of an offence involving moral turpitude or affecting human body;
(ix) conviction for an offence by a court of
(o) ‘prescribed’ means prescribed by rules made under this
Act; and
(p) ‘section’ means section of this Act.
3. Grounds for proceedings and penalty.- An employee shall
be liable to be proceeded against under this Act, if he is -
(i) inefficient or has ceased to be
efficient for any reason; or
(ii) guilty of misconduct; or
(iii) guilty of corruption or is reasonably
considered to be corrupt; or
(iv) engaged or is reasonably believed to be
engaged in subversive activities, and his retention in service is prejudicial
to national security, or is guilty of disclosure of official secrets to any
unauthorized person.
Penalties.- (1) The competent authority may, notwithstanding anything contained
in any law or the terms and conditions of service of the accused, by an order
in writing, impose one or more of the following penalties, namely:-
a) Minor
(i) censure;
(ii) withholding of increment or
increments, for a specific period, subject to a maximum of five years;
(iii) fine not exceeding basic pay of one
(iv) reduction to a lower stage or stages in
pay scale, subject to a maximum of five stages; and
(v) withholding of promotion for a
specific period, subject to a maximum of five years; provided that this period
shall be counted from the date when a person junior to the accused is
considered for promotion and is promoted on regular basis for the first time;
(b) Major penalties -
(i) recovery from pay, pension or any
other amount payable to the accused, the whole or a part of any pecuniary loss
caused to the Government or the organization in which he was employed, and if
the amount due from any such person cannot be wholly recovered from the pay,
pension or any other amount payable to him, such amount shall be recovered
under the law for the time being in force;
(ii) reduction to a lower post and pay
scale from the substantive or regular post for a specific period subject to a
maximum of five years;
(iii) forfeiture of past service for a
specific period subject to a maximum of five
(iv) compulsory retirement;
(v) removal from service; and
(vi) dismissal
from service; and
(c) Penalties after retirement -
(i) withholding of pension or any part
(ii) withdrawing of pension or any part
thereof; and
(iii) recovery from pension or any other
amount payable to the accused, of pecuniary loss caused to Government or the
organization in which he was employed, and if the amount due from any such
person cannot be wholly recovered from the pension or any other amount payable
to him, such amount shall be recovered under the law for the time being in
(2) Dismissal
from service under this Act shall disqualify the employee for future employment
under the Government or under any organization to which the provisions of this
Act apply.
(3) Any
penalty under this Act shall not absolve an employee or accused from liability
to any punishment to which he may be liable for an offence, under any law,
committed by him while in service.
5. Initiation of proceedings.- (1) If on the basis of its
own knowledge or information placed before it, the competent authority is of
the opinion that there are sufficient grounds for initiating proceedings
against an employee under this Act, it shall either-
(a) proceed itself against the accused by issuing
a show cause notice under section 7 and, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
dispense with the enquiry:
that no opportunity of showing cause or personal hearing shall be given where-
(i) the competent authority is satisfied
that in the interest of security of Pakistan or any part thereof, it is not
expedient to give such an opportunity; or
(ii) an employee has entered into plea
bargain under any law for the time being in force or has been convicted of the
charges of corruption which have led to a sentence of fine or imprisonment; or
(iii) an employee is involved in subversive
activities; or
(iv) it is not reasonably practicable to
give such an opportunity to the accused; or
(b) get an inquiry conducted into the
charge or charges against the accused, by appointing an inquiry officer or an
inquiry committee, as the case may be, under section 10:
Provided that the competent
authority shall dispense with the inquiry where-
(i) an employee has been convicted of
any offence other than corruption by a court of law under any law for the time
being in force; or
(ii) an employee is or has been absent
from duty without prior approval of leave:
Provided further that the competent authority may
dispense with the inquiry where it is in possession of sufficient documentary
evidence against the accused or, for reasons to be recorded in writing, he is
satisfied that there is no need to hold an inquiry.
(2) The orders of inquiry or the show cause notice, as the
case may be, shall be signed by the competent authority; provided that where
the Chief Minister is competent authority, the same shall be signed by such
officer as may be authorized by him in this behalf.
6. Suspension.- An employee against
whom action is proposed to be initiated under section 5 may be placed under
suspension for a period of ninety days, if in the opinion of the competent
authority, suspension is necessary or expedient, and if the period of
suspension is not extended for a further period of ninety days within thirty
days of the expiry of initial period of suspension, the employee shall be
deemed to be reinstated:
Provided that the continuation
of the period of suspension shall require the prior approval of the competent
authority for each period of extension.
7. Procedure where inquiry is
dispensed with.- If the competent authority decides that it is not necessary to
hold an inquiry against the accused under section 5, it shall-
(a) inform the accused by an order in
writing, of the grounds for proceeding against him, clearly specifying the
charges therein, alongwith apportionment of responsibility and the penalty or
penalties proposed to be imposed upon him;
(b) give him a reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the proposed action, within seven days of receipt of the
order or within such extended period as the competent authority may determine;
(c) on receipt of reply of the accused within
the stipulated period or after the expiry thereof, if no reply is received,
determine whether the charge or charges have been proved against the accused or
that after receipt of reply to the show cause notice from the accused, the
competent authority, except where the Chief Minister himself is competent
authority, shall decide the case within a period of ninety days, excluding the
time during which the post held by the competent authority remained vacant due
to certain reasons:
further that if the case is not decided by the competent authority within the
prescribed period of ninety days, the accused may file an application before
the appellate authority for early decision of his case, which may direct the
competent authority to decide the case within a specified.
(d) afford an opportunity of personal hearing
either itself or through the hearing officer, before passing any order of
penalty under clause (f), if it is determined that the charge or charges have
been proved against him; provided that the hearing officer shall only be
appointed where the competent authority is of the rank of Secretary to Government
of the Punjab or above; and
(e) exonerate the accused, by an order in
writing, if it is determined that the charge or charges have not been proved
against him; and
impose any one or more penalties mentioned in section 4,
by an order in writing, if the charge or charges are proved against the accused:
Provided that –
(i) Where charge or charges of grave
corruption are proved against an accused, the penalty of dismissal from service
shall be imposed, in addition to the penalty of recovery, if any; and
(ii) Where charge of absence from duty for
a period of more than one year is proved against the accused, the penalty of
compulsory retirement or removal or dismissal from service shall be imposed
upon the accused.
8. Action in case of conviction or
plea bargain under any law.- Where an employee is convicted by a court of law
or has entered into plea bargain or has been acquitted by a court of law as a
result of compounding of an offence involving moral turpitude or affecting
human body under any law for the time being in force, the competent authority,
after examining facts of the case, shall-
(a) dismiss the employee, where he has
been convicted of charges of corruption or has entered into plea bargain and
has returned the assets or gains acquired through corruption or corrupt
practices voluntarily or;
(b) proceed against the employee under
section 7, where he has been convicted of charges other than corruption; or
(c) proceed against the employee under
section 9, where he has been acquitted by a court of law as a result of
compounding of an offence involving moral turpitude or affecting human body.
9. Procedure to be followed by competent authority where
inquiry is necessary.- (1) If the competent authority decides that it is
necessary to hold an inquiry against the accused under section 5, it shall pass
an order of inquiry in writing, which shall include-
appointment of an inquiry
officer or an inquiry committee; provided that the inquiry officer or the
convener of inquiry committee, as the case may be, shall be of a rank senior to
the accused and where two or more accused are proceeded against jointly, the
inquiry officer or the convener of the inquiry committee shall be of a rank
senior to the senior most accused;
(b) the grounds for proceeding, clearly
specifying the charges along with apportionment of responsibility;
(c) appointment of the departmental
representative by designation; and
(d) direction to the accused to submit
written defense to the inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case
may be, within seven days of the date of receipt of orders or within such
extended period as the competent authority may determine.
(2) The record of the case and the list of witnesses, if any,
shall be communicated to the inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the
case may be, along with the orders of inquiry.
10. Procedure to be
followed by inquiry officer or inquiry committee.- (1) On receipt of reply of
the accused or on expiry of the stipulated period, if no reply is received from
the accused, the inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be,
shall inquire into the charges and may examine such oral or documentary
evidence in support of the charge or in defense of the accused as may be
considered necessary and where any witness is produced by one party, the other
party shall be entitled to cross examine such witness.
(2) If
the accused fails to furnish his reply within the stipulated period, or
extended period, if any, the inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the
case may be, shall proceed with the inquiry ex parte.
(3) The
inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be, shall hear the
case from day to day and no adjournment shall be given except for reasons to be
recorded in writing, in which case it shall not be of more than seven days.
(4) Where
the inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be, is satisfied that
the accused is hampering or attempting to hamper the progress of the inquiry, he
or it shall administer a warning and if, thereafter, he or it is satisfied that
the accused is acting in disregard the warning, he or it shall record a finding
to that effect and proceed to complete the inquiry in such manner as may be deemed
expedient in the interest of justice.
(5) If
the accused absents himself from the inquiry on medical grounds, he shall be
deemed to have hampered or attempted to hamper the progress of the inquiry,
unless medical leave, applied for by him, is sanctioned on the recommendation
of a Medical Board; provided that the competent authority may, in its
discretion, sanction medical leave upto seven days without recommendation of
the Medical Board.
(6) The
inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be, shall submit his
or its report, containing clear findings as to whether the charge or charges
have been proved or not and specific recommendations regarding exoneration or,
imposition of penalty or penalties, to the competent authority within sixty
days of the initiation of inquiry:
Provided that where the inquiry cannot be completed within
sixty days, the inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be,
shall seek extension for specific period from the competent authority, for
reasons to be recorded in writing.
Provided further that the inquiry shall not be vitiated
merely on the grounds of non-observance of the time schedule for completion of
Provided further that the recommendations of the
inquiry officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be, shall not be
binding on the competent authority.
11. Powers of the Inquiry Officer or
Inquiry Committee.- (1) For the purpose of an inquiry under this Act, the
inquiry officer and the inquiry committee shall have the powers of a Civil Court
trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, (Act V of 1908), in
respect of the following:-
(a) summoning and enforcing the
attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production
of documents, and receiving evidence on affidavits; and
(c) issuing commissions for the
examination of witnesses or documents.
(2) The proceedings under this Act shall be deemed to be
judicial proceedings within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Pakistan
Penal Code 1860 (Act XLV of 1860).
12. Duties of the departmental
representative.- The departmental representative shall perform the following
duties, namely-
(a) render full assistance to the inquiry officer
or the inquiry committee or hearing officer or the authority concerned, as the
case may be, during the proceedings where he shall be personally present and
fully prepared with all the relevant record relating to the case, on each date
of hearing;
(b) cross-examine the witnesses produced by the
accused and with permission of the inquiry officer or inquiry committee, as the
case may be, the prosecution witnesses in case of their turning hostile; and
c) rebut the grounds of defense offered by the
accused before the hearing officer or the authority concerned.
13. Order to be passed by the competent
authority on receipt of report from the inquiry officer or inquiry committee.-
(1) On receipt of the report from the inquiry officer or inquiry committee, as
the case may be, the competent authority shall examine the report and the
relevant case material and determine whether the inquiry has been conducted in
accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(2) If the competent authority, is satisfied that the inquiry
has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Act, it shall
further determine whether the charge or charges have been proved against the
accused or not.
(3) Where the charge or charges have not been proved, the
competent authority shall exonerate the accused by an order in writing.
(4) Where the charge or charges have been proved against the
accused, the competent authority shall issue a show cause notice to the accused
by which it shall-
(a) inform him of the charges proved
against him and the penalty or penalties proposed to be imposed upon him by the
inquiry officer or inquiry committee;
(b) give him reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the penalty or penalties proposed to be imposed upon him
and to submit as to why one or more of the penalties as provided in section 4
may not be imposed upon him and to submit additional defense in writing, if
any, within seven days of the receipt of the notice, before itself or the
hearing officer, as the case may be;
(c) indicate the date of personal hearing
or appoint a hearing officer to afford an opportunity of personal hearing on his
behalf; provided that the hearing
officer shall only be appointed where the competent authority is of the rank of
Secretary to Government of the Punjab or
(d) provide a copy of the inquiry report
to the accused; and
(e) direct the departmental
representative to appear, with all the relevant record, on the date of hearing
before himself or the hearing officer, as the case may be.
(5) After affording personal hearing to
the accused or on receipt of the report of the hearing officer, the competent
authority shall, keeping in view the findings and recommendations of the
inquiry officer or inquiry committee, as the case may be, facts of the case and
defence offered by the accused during personal hearing, by an order in writing-
(i) exonerate the accused; or
(ii) impose any one or more of the penalties
specified in section 4:
Provided that –
(i) Where charge or charges of grave corruption are proved
against an accused, the penalty of dismissal from service shall be imposed, in
addition to the penalty of recovery, if any; and
(ii) Where charge of absence from duty for a period of more than
one year is proved against the accused, the penalty of compulsory retirement or
removal or dismissal from service shall be imposed upon the accused.
(6) Where
the Competent Authority is satisfied that the inquiry proceedings have not been
conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Act or the facts and merits
of the case have been ignored or there are other sufficient grounds, it may,
after recording reasons in writing, either remand the inquiry to the inquiry
officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be, with such directions as
the competent authority may like to give, or may order a de novo inquiry.
(7) After
receipt of inquiry report, the competent authority, except where the Chief
Minister himself is the competent authority, shall decide the case within a
period of ninety days, excluding the time during which the post held by the
competent authority remained vacant due to certain reasons.
(8) If
the case is not decided by the competent authority within the prescribed period
of ninety days, the accused may file an application before the appellate
authority for early decision of his case, which may direct the competent
authority to decide the case within a specified period.
14. Personal hearing.- (1) The authority
affording personal hearing or the hearing officer on receiving an order of
appointment shall, by an order in writing, call the accused and the
departmental representative, along with relevant record of the case, to appear
before him for personal hearing on the fixed date and time.
(2) After affording personal hearing to the accused, the authority
or the hearing officer shall, in relation to the case and the connection of the
accused during the hearing, record his remarks in writing and, in case hearing
officer, submit a report to the authority so appointed him which shall
(i) summary
of the inquiry report where inquiry was conducted under section 10, or summary of the defence offered by the accused
to the show cause notice under section 7, or grounds of appeal or review filed
under section 16, as the case may be;
(ii) summary of defence offered by the
accused during the hearing, if any; and
(iii) views of the departmental
representative, if any.
15. Procedure of inquiry against officers
lent to other governments, etc.- (1) Where the services of an employee are
transferred or lent to any other government, department, corporation, corporate
body, autonomous body, authority, statutory body or any other organization or
institution, hereinafter referred to as the borrowing organization, the
competent authority for the post against which such employee is posted in the
borrowing organization may-
(a) suspend him under Section 6; and
(b) initiate
proceedings against him under this Act:
Provided that the borrowing organization shall
forthwith inform the lending organization of the circumstances leading to the
order of his suspension and the commencement of the proceedings:
Provided further that the borrowing
organization shall obtain prior approval of the lending organization before
taking any action under this Act, against an employee holding a post in Basic
Pay Scale 17 or above.
(2) If, in the light of the findings of
the proceedings taken against the accused in terms of sub-section (1), the
borrowing organization is of the opinion that any penalty may have to be imposed
on him, it shall transmit the record of the proceedings to the lending
organization, and the competent authority in the lending organization shall
thereupon take action against the accused under Section 13.
(3) Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in sub-sections (1) and (2), the Chief
Minister may, in respect of certain employees or class of employees, authorize
any officer or authority in the borrowing organization to exercise all the
powers of competent authority under this Act.
16. Departmental
appeal and review.-(1) An accused who has been awarded any penalty under this
Act may, except where the penalty has been imposed by the Chief Minister,
within thirty days from the date of communication of the order, prefer
departmental appeal directly to the appellate authority:
that where the order has been passed by the Chief Minister, the accused may,
within the aforesaid period, submit a review petition directly to the Chief
The authority empowered under
sub-section (1) shall call for the record of the case and comments on the
points raised in the appeal from the concerned department or office, and on
consideration of the appeal or the review petition, as the case may be, by an
order in writing-
(a) uphold the order of penalty and reject the
appeal or review petition; or
(b) set
aside the orders and exonerate the accused; or
(c) modify the orders and reduce or enhance the
penalty; or
(d) set aside the order of penalty and remand the
case to the competent authority, where it is satisfied that the proceedings by
the competent authority or the inquiry officer or inquiry committee, as the
case may be, have not been conducted in accordance with the provisions of this
Act, or the facts and merits of the case have been ignored, with the directions
to either hold a de novo inquiry or to rectify the procedural lapses or
irregularities in the proceedings:
that where the appellate or review authority proposes to enhance the penalty,
it shall by an order in writing-
(i) inform the accused of the action proposed
to be taken against him and the grounds of such action; and
(ii) give him a reasonable opportunity to show
cause against the action and afford him an opportunity of personal hearing
either itself or through a hearing officer; Provided that the hearing officer
shall only be appointed where the appellate or the review authority is of the
rank of Secretary to Government of the Punjab or above.
(3) An appeal or review preferred under this section shall be
made in the form of a petition, in writing, and shall set forth concisely the
grounds of objection to the impugned order in a proper and temperate language.
17. Revision-
(1) The Chief Minister, Chief Secretary or the Administrative Secretary or any
other appellate authority may call for the record of any proceedings within one
year of the order of exoneration or imposition of a penalty, passed by the
competent authority or the order of appellate authority, as the case may be,
for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the correctness, legality or
propriety of such proceedings or order.
(2) On examining the record of the case, such authority may-
uphold the orders of the
competent authority or the appellate authority, as the case may be; or
order the competent authority to
hold de novo inquiry; or
(iii) impose or enhance a penalty or
that no order, prejudicial to the accused, shall be passed under this section
unless the accused has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause
against the proposed action and an opportunity of personal hearing.
18. Appearance of counsel.- The accused,
at no stage of the proceedings under this Act, except proceedings under section
19, shall be represented by an advocate.
19. Appeal
before Punjab Service Tribunal.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any
other law for the time being in force, any employee aggrieved by any final
order passed under Section 16 or 17 may, within thirty days from the date of
communication of the order, prefer an appeal to the Punjab Service Tribunal
established under the Punjab Service Tribunals Act, 1974 (Punjab Act, IX of
(2) If a decision on a departmental appeal or review petition,
as the case may be, filed under section 16 is not received within a period of
sixty days of filing thereof, the affected employee may file an appeal in the
Punjab Service Tribunal within a period of thirty days of the expiry of the
aforesaid period, whereafter, the authority with whom the departmental appeal
or review is pending, shall not take any further action.
20. Act
to override other laws.- The provisions of this Act shall have effect
notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law for the
time being in force.
21. Proceedings
under this Act.- Subject to this Act, all proceedings initiated against the
employees having retired or in service, shall be governed by the provisions of
this Act and the rules made thereunder:
that in case of retired employee, the proceedings so initiated against him
shall be finalized not later than two years of his retirement.
(2) The competent authority may, by an
order in writing, impose one or more penalties specified in clause (c) of
section 4, if the charge or charges are proved against the retired employee.
22. Indemnity.- No suit, prosecution or
other legal proceedings shall lie against the competent authority or any other
authority for anything done or intended to be done in good faith under this Act
or the rules, instructions or directions made or issued thereunder.
23. Jurisdiction
barred.- Save as provided under this Act, no order made or proceedings taken
under this Act, or the rules made thereunder, shall be called in question in
any court and no injunction shall be granted by any court in respect of any
decision so made or proceedings taken in pursuance of any power conferred by,
or under this Act, or the rules made thereunder.
24. Power
to make rules.- The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,
make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
25. Removal
of difficulties.- If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the
provisions of this Act, the Chief Minister may make such order, not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to him to be necessary
for the purpose of removing that difficulty.
26. Repeal.-
(1) The Punjab Removal from Service (Special Powers) Ordinance, 2000 (Ord. IV
of 2000), is hereby repealed.
Notwithstanding the repeal of
the Punjab Removal from Service (Special Powers) Ordinance, 2000 (Ord. IV of
2000), all proceedings pending immediately before the commencement of this Act
against any employee under the said repealed Ordinance or under the Punjab
Civil Servants Act, 1974 (Pb. Act, VIII of 1974), and rules made thereunder, or
any other law or rules shall continue under that law and rules, in the manner
provided thereunder.
WHEREAS, the undersigned as
Competent Authority under the Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and
Accountability Act, 2006 is of the opinion that there are sufficient grounds to
proceed against Mr./M/s. (name/names
and designation of the accused) under Section 3 of the Act ibid on the charges
(of inefficiency, misconduct, corruption and engagement in subversive
activities). I, therefore, order initiation
of disciplinary proceedings against the accused under the Punjab Employees
Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act 2006.
2. AND WHEREAS, I consider that in the
light of facts of the case and in the interest of justice, it is necessary to
hold an inquiry. I, therefore, appoint Mr. (name & designation) as inquiry
officer/ inquiry committee consisting of the following:
Mr. (Name
& Designation/Convener)
Mr. (Name
& Designation/Member)
Mr. (Name
& Designation/Member)
to proceed
against the accused in terms of Section 5 read with Section 9 of the Act ibid
and to conduct inquiry into the following charge(s):
i. (give full description of the
3. The accused official/officials
is/are directed to submit his/their written defence to the Inquiry Officer/the
Inquiry Committee, within seven days of the date of receipt of this order (or
within such extended period as may be determined by the Competent Authority).
If he/they fail to submit his/their written defence within the prescribed
period, it shall be presumed that either he/they have no defence to offer or
he/they have declined to offer the same and he/they have accepted the charge(s).
4. Mr. (name & designation)
is appointed as Departmental Representative in terms of Section 9(1)(c) read
with Section 12 of the Act ibid.
5. In case the accused official/officials
desires/desire to consult any record on which the aforesaid charges are based
or is relevant to the aforesaid charge(s), he/ they may do so with prior
arrangement with the undersigned or the Departmental Representative within days
of the receipt of this order.
6. The Inquiry Officer or Inquiry
Committee shall submit his/its report and recommendations to the undersigned
within sixty days of the initiation of inquiry in terms of Section 10 (6) of
the Act ibid.
Note: Model is only
for guidance and may be modified keeping in view the requirements of the case.
(name of the
Subject:- SHOW
WHEREAS, disciplinary
proceedings were initiated against you by the undersigned /competent authority
under the provisions of the Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and
Accountability Act 2006, on the charge(s) of (inefficiency, misconduct,
corruption and engagement in subversive activities) vide Order No. ______________
dated _______________.
Inquiry Officer/Committee submitted his/its inquiry report, according to which
the following charge/charges have been proved against you:
Sr. No.
Charge No.
Extent to
which charge proved
proved or partially proved)
proved or partially proved)
The inquiry
Officer/Committee has recommended imposition of penalty (give details) upon you
in terms of Section 4 of the Act. A copy of the inquiry report is enclosed.
3. AND WHEREAS, after
perusal of the inquiry report and other relevant record, I have found no reason
to differ/I have reasons to differ (give detailed reasons for differing) with
the findings and recommendations of the Inquiry Officer/Committee. Hence the charge/charges leveled vide above
referred order have been proved against you for which you are liable to be
imposed the following penalty/penalties in terms of Section 4 of the Act:
i. ______________ (specific
ii. ______________ -do-
iii. ______________ -do-
exercise of the powers conferred upon me as Competent Authority under Section
13(4) of the Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act,
2006, you are hereby called upon to show cause within seven days, of the
receipt of this notice, as to why the abovementioned penalty/penalties may not
be imposed upon you. You are also
allowed to submit your additional defence in writing, if any.
5. You are also
offered an opportunity of personal hearing and directed to appear before the
undersigned {or before Mr.______________ Hearing Officer appointed by the
competent authority (in case competent authority is Secretary to the Government
of Punjab or above)} on ____________ for this
Note: Model Notice is
only for guidance and may be modified keeping in view the requirements of the
Subject: SHOW
undersigned as Competent Authority, under the Punjab Employees Efficiency,
Discipline and Accountability Act, 2006, in due consideration of the facts of
this case is of the view that you, Mr. While posted as ______________________________
during the period from to
have committed the
following irregularities and there are sufficient grounds to proceed against
_________________ (give full
description of the allegations)
_________________ -do-
________________ -do-
2. AND
WHEREAS, the undersigned is of the opinion that it is not necessary to hold an
inquiry into the matter in view of the provisions contained in Section 5 (1)(b)
of the Act ibid. It is, therefore, proposed to proceed against you under
Section 7(b) read with Section 5(1)(a) of Punjab Employees, Efficiency,
Discipline and Accountability Act, 2006.
3. NOW,
THEREFORE, you are hereby called upon to show cause in writing within seven
days (or within such period as may be extended by the competent authority) of
the receipt of this notice as to why one or more of the penalties as prescribed
in Section 4 of the Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability
Act, 2006 should not be imposed upon you.
4. Your
reply to this show cause notice should reach the undersigned within the said
period, failing which it shall be presumed that you have no defence to offer.
5. In
case you desire to consult any record, on which the aforesaid charges are based
or is relevant to the aforesaid charge(s) you may do so with prior arrangement
with the undersigned within _________ days of the receipt of this notice.
Note: Model Notice is
only for guidance and may be modified keeping in view the requirements of the
(name of the
WHEREAS, inquiry
proceedings were initiated against you by the undersigned as competent
authority under the Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability
Act, 2006, on the charge(s) of (inefficiency, misconduct, corruption and
engagement in subversive activities) and it was decided to dispense with the
inquiry in terms of Section 5(1)(b).
2. AND WHEREAS, a show
cause notice was served upon you in terms of Section 7(b) read with Section 5(1)(a)
of the Act ibid, bearing No. dated to submit your written
reply within _________ days.
3. AND WHEREAS, your
reply to the said show cause notice has been considered and it has been
determined that the following charge(s) as contained in the show cause notice
has/have been proved against you:
Sr. No.
Charge No.
Extent to
which charge proved
proved or partially proved)
proved or partially proved)
Hence, it is proposed
to impose to impose the following penalty/penalties upon you in terms of
Section 4 of the Act ibid:
i. (specific penalty/penalties)
ii. -do-
iii. -do-
are afforded an opportunity of personal hearing in terms of Section 7(d) of the
Act and directed to appear before the undersigned {or before
Mr. _________________ Hearing Officer appointed by the competent authority (in
case competent authority is Secretary to the Government of Punjab or above)} on
__________for this purpose.
Note: Model Notice is
only for guidance and may be modified keeping in view the requirements of the
Processing ...
Chapter I
1.1. These rules, which have been issued by the Governor of Punjab under section 241 of the Government of India Act, 1935, (see Appendix I), may be called the Civil Services Rules (Punjab). They shall come into force from the 1st April, 1941.
The Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 was enacted on 4th June, 1974 and as per clause 23 of the said Act which is reproduced, these Rules are enforce so far 'as these rules are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or rules framed thereafter.
(2) Any rules, orders or instructions in respect of any terms and conditions of service of civil servants duly made or issued by an authority competent to make them and in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, in so far as such rules, orders or instructions are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to be rules made under this Act.
1.2. (a) Except as otherwise provided in rule1.4 infra, or in any other rule or rules, these rules shall apply to all Government servants belonging to the categories mentioned below, who are under the administrative control of the Punjab Government and whose pay is debitable to the revenues of the Punjab:-
1. Members of Provincial Services;
2. Members of Subordinate Services;
3. Holders of Special Posts; and
4. any other Government servant or class of Government servants to whom the competent authority may, by general or special order, make them applicable.
The Punjab Government has framed rules for the abolition of classes on 3rd July, 1974 by Notification No. SOR-III-1-52/73, which is reproduced with subsequent amendment
No. SOR- III-1- 52/73.---In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules :-
- These rules may be called the Punjab Civil Servants (Change in Nomenclature of Services and Abolition of Classes) Rules, 1974.
- They shall come into force at once.
2) In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context.
a) "Classes" means Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV in which the civil posts and services are classified under any rules or orders for the time being in force;
b) "Functional Unit" means a group of posts or a part of such group sanctioned as a separate unit in or under a department;
c) "Grade" means 'national scale of pay' in which a number of posts, in a functional unit, carrying same duties and responsibilities is placed; provided that in the case of a person who does not opt for the national scales of pay or the post which has not been placed in the national scales of pay, "National Scale of Pay means the presumptive national scale of pay corresponding to the existing scale of pay in
which such person, or as the case may be, the post would have been placed but for the aforesaid reasons; provided further that in case of a person whose pay has been fixed in the national scale of pay corresponding to the pre-national scales selection grades or who moves over to the next higher national scale of pay without change in the nature of duty and assumption of higher responsibilities or under prescribed conditions after reaching the maximum of the lower national scale of pay, 'national scale of pay" means the lowest national scale of pay admissible for his post ;'
d) "Province" means the Province of the Punjab ;
e) "Punjab Unified Grade" means the grade to which a civil servant is entitled in respect of his existing post; and
f) "Services" means the Civil Services of the Province and include civil posts connected with the affairs of the Province.
3) Notwithstanding anything contained in any rule, order, regulation or instruction, the names of services are, with immediate effect, changed to Punjab Unified Grades and all reference to a service in any rule, order, regulation or instruction shall, consistent with the subject and context, be construed as reference to the respective Punjab Unified Grade..
4) All persons, other than the persons appointed on ad hoc basis, who immediately before the coming into force of these rules were members of a service or held a civil post connected with the affairs of the Province are, subject to their existing inter se seniority position, appointed in their existing posts to the respective Punjab Unified Grade.
5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Civil Service Rules and any other rules or orders for the time being in force all classes and classifications of services and posts as gazetted and non-gazetted are abolished.
6) For the purposes of application of any existing rule, order or instruction reference to a class or to a post as Gazetted or Non-Gazetted shall be construed as reference to the corresponding Grade as specified in the table below :
Gazetted Posts
Class Corresponding Grades
1. Class I 1. Grades 17 to 23.
2. Class II 2. Grade No. 16.
3. Special Gazetted. 3. Grade No. 16.
Non-Gazetted Posts
4. Class III 4. Grades 3 to 15.
5. Class IV 5. Grades 1 and 2.
7) Notwithstanding anything contained in any rule, order or instruction, all reservations of posts for purposes of appointment, promotion or transfer in favour of persons belonging to a particular service or cadre, or holding a particular post, are abolished.
No. SOR-III-1-52/73
The dated 23rd July, 1974
Subject—Punjab Civil Servants (Change in Nomenclature of Services and
Abolition of Classes) Rules, 1974.
I am directed to refer to the-correspondence resting with this Department's circular
Letter No. SORI (SGA&ID) 11-1/74, dated the 13th July, 1974, with which a copy of the
Rules mentioned in the subject has already been forwarded in the context of abolition of
Service Associations. The above Rules have, inter alia, abolished classification of posts
as gazetted and non-gazetted and also reservation of posts for promotion and initial
recruitment. In pursuance, and as a consequence, of these provisions the Government of
the Punjab has further taken the following decisions:-
that reservation of posts for the purposes of initial/direct recruitment, promotion or
transfer, in favour of persons belonging to a particular service or cadre or holding a
particular post, which have been abolished by the above rules, should continue to
be followed in accordance with the existing quotas for promotion and initial/direct
recruitment laid down in various service rules till the position is reviewed in the
context of Administrative Reforms; and
ii. that the practice of notifying appointment to Grade-16 and above in Government
Gazette should continue to be followed.